Post Processor for Art Cam

I created a design in Artcam, but when I try to download the g-code it says I need to create a post processor for it???

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I found this comment about Art Cam, could work with the X-carve.

Using the post processor output Mach3_4(inch)(*.TAP) format feeding into Universal GCODE Sender worked like a charm for the ShapeOko3.

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@Pinetoptees All gcode files uploaded through Easel require a post-processor. Easel doesn’t generate the toolpaths for gcode uploads, so you’ll need to generate the toolpaths and use the post-processor so they render correctly.

Here are other posts from Artcam and X-Carve users that you may find helpful:

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I use artcam with easel It requires some gcode editing I wish I knew how to write a post but I do not at this time. When I get to the shop I will let you know what post I use and what to edit.

save gcode as gcode inch tap or gcode mm tap witch ever measurement you will be working with.
get a free editor such as notepad++
open code in notepad++ start of the code should look something like this.


Now remove the T1M6 and you will have this

Save as normal text then import to easel.


Shane, can you upload those two files here? I’ll take a look and see if I can correct them for you.


Both are the same file I was just showing the edit I do to make it work in easel. or maybe I am misunderstanding what you are getting at. Got up at 5 and in need of one of them naps the old guys talk about lol. I don’t know if the T1M6 would be a issue in the import I remove it as it has caused me issues in the past.

Maybe I didn’t understand. Do you edit the .tap file or each file you send to Easel?

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I have tried to save as many different file extentions and the gcode tap files do not give me any issues all the other post processors for art cam seem to want to crash the z axis.

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Plus saving as a text file allows it to work with the every gcode sender I use. Why do I have a variety of gcode senders? Well that is a good question that I have no answer to could be the same reason I have 4 table saws just because lol.

tried it, it didn’t work. Thank You

ArtCam Post Processor Configuration Guide

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