Procedure to Set Belt Tension

If you use a controller with proper feedback the stepper motor will not keep trying to turn when the router / spindle runs into a point it cannot go beyond.

The standard controller that comes with the Xcarve does not have that feature.
At some point I plan on getting a controller that I can set up that will not have this problem. That way when I try to home or something gets stuck the unit doesn’t keep trying to move and will go into a fail / warning mode letting you clear or reset it.

Something like this:

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I tryed to centere the belt in the pukky and smoth idler and tited the belt and move in y axes 2 times or 3 and noticed that the belt was not aligment

Hi all
I have problem with circles

I checked the belt tension it was x=1.8 , Y1=1.4 , y2=1.8

Do you think my problem from belt tension?

Hello. If I’m having issues where on the left side of my waste bored it cuts deeper vs my right side. Is that a tension belt issue? My Gantry is straight, so is my MakerSlide.

Na, depending on where your located humidity might be a factor in this. possibly your waste board needs planning for a well-tuned machine.

CNC BED LEVEL | Inventables

In addition to Surfacing the wasteboard as Ken is suggesting I also suggest to Surface the workpiece whenever possible and when it cannot be surfaced on the cnc for one reason or another I suggest trying this shimming technique to get the top of the workpiece to be parallel to the gantry plane of movement:

However I see that you’re new to the group and that makes me think that maybe you have a newer X-Carve and this video covers the most common first post from new X-Carve users and is worth checking out:

Noob alert. Here’s a crappy jig I built to tension the belts. The scale is from amazon. (Or search for " Didiseaon Spring Scale Spring Hook Scale") It’s pretty self explanatory. The belt lift distance is approximately one inch.