|Retaining Free Days

When did you purchase your X-Carve? Those who purchased their X-Carve prior to July 21, 2020 get 4 free days of Easel Pro per month ad infinitum because Inventables’ old policy for X-Carve purchases was that they would always get the four free Easel Pro days per month. These days do not roll over at all; if you do not use them, you lose them (which is not really a loss since they were free anyway … :slight_smile: ). If these users want more than four free Easel Pro days per calendar month, they have to pay for a subscription to Easel Pro. If you fall into this category and you subscribe to Easel Pro for a time, your four free Easel Pro days per month should still be there after you cancel the Easel Pro subscription.

Here is what it looks like for those of us that have the 4 days per month thing…

They changed their policy starting July 21, 2020 to state that all new X-Carve purchases starting at that date would receive 30 days of Easel Pro. Beyond the 30 days, the user would have to pay for a subscription to Easel Pro.

Easel Pro subscriptions start at a single month for the lowest option as far as I am aware, but you have to set up the subscription and cancel it during that first month or else it automatically renews.


Brandon Parker

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