Setting up a new machine - a few questions, a few problems

yes that is what happens, @LarryM just wondering if there is a video of the process for a Mac as don’t want to go from working machine to longer working.

Not that I know of. Everybody with Macs used Paul’s method before there was a button in Easel.

1 - SOLVED - tried to downloaded GRBL 1.1f - will install with the recommended downloader later.

2 - SOLVED - have worked out how to set and use G28 and G30.

3 - SOLVED - have tweaked the X & Y axis

4 - SOLVED - moving in odd directions hasn’t occured anymore

5 - STILL CURIOUS - on the Machine Inspector after I type in $H for home how do I get the Machine position and work position to display 0,0,0? If I home the machine and then turn off and start again and then Home the machine it shows work position as 0,0,0 but the machine position is large negative numbers - how can I zero this to 0,0,0 at the home position for Machine Position.

6 - STILL A PROBLEM - checked with Ooznest in regards to the $102 and they reckon it should be 200, tried setting on both old and new Z axis lead screws and both around the 50 and very noisy. It is a direct drive from motor to leadscrew but how do I change the step setting as suggested before NOT the $102.

7 - SOLVED - how do I change 30.1 to further than the existing - was doing things wrong - fixed.

8 - STILL CURIOUS - is the only way to reset the machine by turning the X-controller off and back on 10seconds later?

9 - STILL CURIOUS - Can I tell the machine in Machine Inspector to drive a set distance say of x=500, y=1200 (machine’s driving limits is 800 x 1270mm) ? and avoid goingt into the Carve Function?

Could this solve my Item 6 - in changing the step rate to get my Z axis closer to the 200 setting, unless I actually have a switch wrong in there

Thanks @LarryM, I will have a read of that and update later after I solve my Z axis.

so the version that you attached is the grbl 1.1f but with the positive positioning? no need to download the other.


You gain motion resolution (not accuracy, you can actually lose accuracy due to the loss in incremental torque) , it does makes motion smoother which reduces vibrations, etc…all of that with a loss in incremental torque (torque while moving). That’s why when you read all the different white papers and such on microstepping, most come to the conclusion that the loss in incremental torque is outweighed by the positives of increased resolution, reduced vibration, and smoothness of motion. Some say it’s not needed.

It’s like asking which type of wood is best to carve…Phil will have his opinion, Haldor will have his, I have mine…none will be wrong, just preference.

thanks for the explanations and for your help guys, very much appreciated

I dived into the X-controller and it was correct for the X-carve set at 1/2 step but tried 1/4 step and calibrated. It is now smoother and not as much vibration and noise and will see how that goes. Happy camper now.

I haven’t upgraded the firmware yet and will do so in the next week. thanks everyone