Simple sign made in Easel video uploaded for New Carvers

I just uploaded a quick video on how to make a simple sign quick and easy in Easel. This was done with the new carver in mind that are unfamiliar with Easel.
Check it out
YouTube channel: Paw Paw’s Workshop

Using Easel to Made a SimplSign Video


Good job as usual Phillip. Very down to earth. My wife is always wanting something drawn up and as usual when i do it it is not what she wants. I keep telling her to learn how to use the program and she can draw it like she wants it. Guess what she watched it and complemented on how easy it looked. Now to get her to try it.

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Awesome! I’m so glad you and your wife enjoyed it. I hope she gives it a try

I think you may have got her started.

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I hope so. It would be good to be able to share your hobby with her

Got it but it would be better to get what she wants right first.

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Just uploaded the video on finishing the sign. No paint brush!!

You can find it here:
YouTube Channel: Paw Paw’s Workshop


Another good video Phillip. Keep up the good work.

Thank you. I have a list of planned videos to make and not enough time. Lol

Thats the opposite of me, have lots of time and not enough wood, lol

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Lol, you can never have too much wood. That’s my problem too.