Tips and tricks for using the forum

This forum is a bit different from the ones you might be used to in the BB family. Here are some tips and tricks for using the forum.

You might’ve noticed that on the top-right of the page there is a speech bubble icon. Numbers which appear with a green background are Private Messages (PM), and ones in blue are Notifications.

To strike up a blue notification on someones profile, conveniently use the @ followed by their username, like this: @Username. You can direct them to the topic and even the exact post :smiley:


Have you ever wanted to keep a post kept for all eternity, well now you can!

The bookmark function let’s you bookmark posts you wish, so that you can reference them later.

You can view your bookmarked messages by going to your CP (control panel).

Click on your avatar > Activity > Bookmarks

###Deleting your post
If you feel like you want to reverse time, and send a D-mail to the past to tell yourself not to make that post… then… tough luck. :c

BUT. You can always delete your post ;D

###Text formatting
We don’t just use BBCode but ALSO Markdown.











Here is a full list of emoticons that work on Discourse!

Best thing about Discourse, is that it auto-embeds images! :smiley:

Does your image URL not have a valid image extension? (i.e. jpg, jpeg, bmp, gif, png)
Then try use an image tag!

<img src="url" />



Nested Blockquote



###Code formatting

You can either format code inline using `backticks` or drop in a whole block of code by

indenting each line with 
4 spaces, and put empty lines above
and below the code block


#Use this one sparingly
##Moar headings
###Even moar headings
Again, try use headings in a way that is appropriate, not just to make a point.

###Staring / Subscribing to posts

By starring a topic, you are able to keep track of it! A little like bookmarking a post (others may be familiar to subscribing to a thread).

Just click on the star icon, next to the topic title and it shall be starred!

To see your starred topics, go to the forum homepage and click on Starred!

This was adapted (read: stolen mercilessly) from another discourse-powered forum, hummingbird.

1 Like

Thanks for the info! This picture with an owl made my day :upside_down_face:

Hi to all,

I am new to this forum and I would like to know how to start a new conversation

thanks so much



Hi @AndreaBigoni,
You can use the + New Topic button in the top right on forum main page to start new threads.