Two stage cuts

@JamesMclendon You’re in!

Can you add me to the test group?

@StephenPendergrass You got it!

Can I also be added to the test group.

i would also like to be added to the group.

@GillianPrattKrygowsk @KeithRichardson You guys are in!

I would like to be added to the list as well

Finally got my replacement gshield installed, thanks Griffin! I’d like to be added please. First cut on my Twitter @Solutionarts

@ChrisMeyer @DamonJohnHoxworth You guys got it!

I would also love to test this feature, once I actually get an X-Carve. Mainly, I have been designing in Easel to test it first while I get the funds together

@Rcannon95 You should have access!

Suggestion: Open this feature to all users with the understanding that it is beta. Would save you guys a lot of time responding to folks who want to use it.

Would you please give me access to that feature as well? I would love to beta it. Also, if you have a little documentation on it, I’d like to check it out. I posted in the projects section… This may be what I’m looking for. Thanks.

You can email any doc to my account email, or whatever.

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@DanRegalia You’re in!

Can please you add me to the beta group?

If possible, I’d love to try this feature as well. Would be perfect for a new project I’m working on.
Mike Kaplan

@JeremyJohnstone @MikeKaplan You guys have access!

Thanks very much
Mike Kaplan

I would love to have this feature. It sounds so promising and is something I have wished was available ever since I started using my X-Carve

@DanielRidley You got access!