UGS problems getting set up

I recently downloaded version 1.09 I think it is. If you run though the Xcarve set up prior to using Easel, it should make the necessary changes to your X controller. It did for me. I only have been using UGS.

I also found this really useful to understand what the various things do:

I downloaded UGS 2.0 Platform (Nightly build) and am encountering the same problem with the probe alarm. is anyone else getting this or did you get an older stable version. Did you resolve the alarm issue?

Does it actually not let you jog the machine or is it just a display thing?

I can home only and probe alarm is still on. when i plug in probe the alarm goes away and i can move but i have to keep it plugged in.

Please post the version of grbl that you are running (did you compile it or load in a .hex file or was it just on the machine when you started using it) and the grbl parameter settings:
($$ command)

Someone recently had an issue with GRBL version that was installed. You may need to either reflash the existing version or upgrade it, depending on what you’re running.

Are you sure you need to leave the probe in? If so, use a different sender or different version. The probe shouldn’t impede motion unless you are probing.

Inventables Z probe socket with the probe disconnected registers as the probe is closed/touching. It’s a NC socket as I mentioned earlier in this thread. I know this because I have one. They made that design decision most likely due to Easel integration (they look for a transition to know you plugged the probe in is my thought on that).

But again, I’ve never had that stop my machine from running when I had the probe socket connected. That’s why I asked about if it actually stops the machine.

The next steps are to post what version of GRBL and your GRBL settings. Version is printed after a “$I” (upper case i) command (or when you boot) and GRBL settings are after a “$$” command.

Your default sequence on power up, with homing enabled, is you must do a homing cycle first and then you can jog the machine. If you follow that cycle and it works, then the probe means nothing.

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Ok here is my settings and version.
**** Connected to COM3 @ 115200 baud ****
Grbl 1.1f [‘$’ for help]

$0 = 10 (Step pulse time, microseconds)
$1 = 255 (Step idle delay, milliseconds)
$2 = 0 (Step pulse invert, mask)
$3 = 3 (Step direction invert, mask)
$4 = 0 (Invert step enable pin, boolean)
$5 = 0 (Invert limit pins, boolean)
$6 = 0 (Invert probe pin, boolean)
$10 = 115 (Status report options, mask)
$11 = 0.020 (Junction deviation, millimeters)
$12 = 0.002 (Arc tolerance, millimeters)
$13 = 0 (Report in inches, boolean)
$20 = 1 (Soft limits enable, boolean)
$21 = 1 (Hard limits enable, boolean)
$22 = 1 (Homing cycle enable, boolean)
$23 = 3 (Homing direction invert, mask)
$24 = 25.000 (Homing locate feed rate, mm/min)
$25 = 750.000 (Homing search seek rate, mm/min)
$26 = 250 (Homing switch debounce delay, milliseconds)
$27 = 1.000 (Homing switch pull-off distance, millimeters)
$30 = 1 (Maximum spindle speed, RPM)
$31 = 0 (Minimum spindle speed, RPM)
$32 = 0 (Laser-mode enable, boolean)
$100 = 40.000 (X-axis travel resolution, step/mm)
$101 = 40.000 (Y-axis travel resolution, step/mm)
$102 = 188.976 (Z-axis travel resolution, step/mm)
$110 = 8000.000 (X-axis maximum rate, mm/min)
$111 = 8000.000 (Y-axis maximum rate, mm/min)
$112 = 500.000 (Z-axis maximum rate, mm/min)
$120 = 500.000 (X-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2)
$121 = 500.000 (Y-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2)
$122 = 50.000 (Z-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2)
$130 = 790.000 (X-axis maximum travel, millimeters)
$131 = 790.000 (Y-axis maximum travel, millimeters)
$132 = 100.000 (Z-axis maximum travel, millimeters)

I can move the X,Y,Z, evan with the alarm i guess i can just ignore it but I’m encountering a new problem going from Fusion 360 to UGS. I set the post to the standard grbl and it loads fine in UGS but when I start it gives me this message
Error Capture

This is a screenshot of my UGS trying to run my gcode

I’m at a stand still with UGS until i can figure this out. Thanks again guys

Remove your tool change and M6 from the Fusion 360 post processor.

I’d i recall right in Fusion there’s an option for manual tool change that you need to select that will remove those lines as well.

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Set $10=1

You should turn hard limits off also $21=0

I’m not sure how to turn off option for tool change M6 from a post i can’t seem to find a how to anywhere. I can’t be the only one having this much trouble trying to use UGS and fusion 360 without Easel. I’m using the standard grbl post included with Fusion 360 and it keeps giving me T7M6 error.

When you export the gcode, do you get a window that pops up with the actual code?

That is what happens for me. I delete the line that has the M6 code, then I save and close that window. Also, in the post process (the window that opens to export the gcode via grbl) in the program settings section, I have the g28 safe retracts set to no.

Yes “Open NC file in editor”

Delete lines 7 and 12.
When you set G28 safe retracts to no, line 7 will be blank.


That worked! Thank you! Now would you happen to know how to modify the standard grbl post so that i don’t have to do that to every program i make?

Solved It! sort of… Ok so I made sense of it all


  1. From Fusion post

  2. Change G28 Safe retracts to “NO”
    Fix Capture 2

  3. Turns out in UGS the M6 code is used like a warning to change tool manually puts controller state in “Hold”

  4. Just click ok and go back to “Send” and continue job and it will start again

This works for me, Thanks again to everyone for help.