Using the CHIP as the host controller with XController

So I purchased this $9.00 USD chip computer, and installed bCNC software on it.

I had to install a Kernel extension to support the FTDI driver since it is not supported by default on the standard flash image.

I am attaching a couple of posts with enough data to install it on the device.

I haven’t tested on a carve, but I am looking to make a device where I can wirelessly send jobs and leave alone to do it. (Unlike the X-Carve Server that runs as a proxy to easle).

So far I have only ran the bCNC software (remains to be seen that it works), and it connects to the X-Controller via USB. Next up is trying a job and see how it goes! I think a RaspberryPi3 is better, but I don’t have one around :slight_smile:


Here are some resources:
Single Chip Computer:

Post that helped me installed the FTDI modules to the kernel:

Anyone interested in more… Ping me!


awesome! very interested to see how this works out.

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I’ve got a Raspberry Pi 3 connected to my Xcontroller and it runs UGCS and I can wirelessly (Rpi3 has built-in Wifi) start a job and not have a machine tied up to sending Gcode. I just export the Gcode from Easel and then use UGCS to send it. While sending, the Raspberry Pi shows around 30% utilization of the CPU so it appears there is much more headroom capable with the Rpi. I never attempted bCNC or any of the other varieties of Gcode sending. One bad thing about UGCS is that the Gcode Visualizer doesn’t work on the Rpi.

I could have gotten away with the $35 Rpi but I bought one of those kits for $70 that had a neat case and memory card preloaded and all that jazz.

This sounds as the ideal platform! (rPI)

I think that inventarles should come up with a control unit that can receive jobs for the machine thru a web interface (be it via API or via a file upload). So that easel can connect directly to the xcarve and send the job. Also the possibility of monitoring progress and send notifications via IFTTT. This sound like a good project for me. :blush: but will be better supported if made by inventables and with the plus of easel integration.