V-wheel "indenting"

I am having the same issue, Went to see how smooth the X Carriage moved (No belts installed yet) and its like going down rail road ties on a bike in some places. I cannot find any imperfections on the rails that would cause this. I thought maybe it was because the lower V-Wheels were not adjusted yet but adjusting them made no difference, in fact most the time they do not spin. I added my 0.8kW spindle thinking maybe with a little weight it would fix it but that didn’t work, running the carriage down with my hand under the spindle I can feel it moving up and down as the carriage hits the bumps.

Skimmed the threads linked above, but not seeing the tie of those to this problem, One seems to be the wheels slipping off and the other seems to be receiving the wrong items… I can go buy the washers if that will fix the problem, was wanting to figure this out before I preform the steal plate mod this weekend as to not introduce any other variables.