You have to have a match the VFD unit to your input voltage. There is not a way to use a 220V input VFD with a 110V standard household input by just changing a setting. You need to match the input voltage for what voltage you intend to use. You can use a setup transformer to convert your 110V into 220V (which is what the 110 VFD does in the first place). I use this type of system to power 2 220 VFD systems in my mill room inside my house and it has worked perfectly for a number of months now and I have milled for 6+ hours on both systems at the same time with no issues.
If you will give a call to the guys over at they will be VERY happy to help find the VFD that will best suit your needs and they will talk with you about the differences between the 110 and the 220V VFD units and spindles.
I wish it was as simple as changing the settings on the units but 98% of the spindle run on 3 phase 220V. The VFD takes in either the supply voltage and converts it to 2 phase 220V to run the spindle. There are a FEW RARE 110V SPINDLES out there. But they are extremely rare and I only know of one person using one.
If you need help with settings after you get yours I will be glad to check the settings in question on my unit and rely the setting back to you. Switching to my .8KW water cooled unit has been one of the best thing i did for the X Carve after switching to DSP drivers and a Planet CNC controller.