Yeah, the post is about the v-wheels…they are made of delrin, I’m guessing. Does your problematic v-wheel have side to side play in it?
Yes, if you twist the nut, you can see a wobble in the v wheel, as if the bolt were bent.
Oddly. The machine still cuts great. I just want it all to run smooth. Just a tip for anyone… it REALLY helped me to run a long air carve and just observe and tune in v wheels as it ran, nice and quiet.
That might be the eccentric nut. Take that wheel apart, put a fat washer in there, make sure your bearings are evenly inserted and bolt it back in there to see if it spins freely.
Washer in between the v wheel and plate? Not on the eccentric nut side, right?
Inside the Vwheel itself. You can pull the bearings out of the v-wheel, you will see a washer in there. Find a fatter washer or add a washer and put it back together to see if it will then spin freely.
Got it, ill give it a spin…