Windows Update

Windows did updates on my PC. Since rebooting it tonight, I can’t get anything Easel related to work. Any suggestions? Anyone else have this issue?

I went back to a last restore point before the updates. Browser will at least load my project now, but Easel keeps telling me to install the Easel driver. NOT happy. Worked all week and just wanted to wrap up a project I started last weekend.

So I’ve upgraded to Windows 10 to no avail. Same issue. Can anyone explain how to remove the driver so I can install a fresh version of it?

Hi @DaveManning - if you’re still having issues, please reach out to our Customer Success team here!

Thanks Jessie. Hoping to call in this afternoon. I appreciate the reply. Very frustrating. Not pointing fingers. Wish you guys had different support hours. I assume for most people (like me), this is a hobby and these issues would normally arise off-business hours and on weekends. I’d also assume I’m the minority, but I’d be willing to pay for support during these times, if it’s something you folks ever considered. Have a good day.

For others searching for help in the future:

Back up and running. Since Windows did updates last week, my PC is unable to communicate with my X Controller using IE 11 or Edge. If you have this issue, try using Chrome before waiting 3 days for a fix like I did.