Wood signs

how do you get to do the reverse image instead of cutting the letters out you cut around the letters

bring the lettering to the front with a cut depth of 0 then put a square behind the letters with a depth of .125 or whatever depth you want

your links are broken or are not to the correct items

The links are a year old… and although we all know @ShaneBell is amazing, he doesn’t control Ebay (yet)… might be worth emailing ebay.com to ask them to update their links.

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nah i was replying to Amywoods post that she just made lol it looks like she deleted her post

but yeah screw ebay lol

hmmm interesting lol i guess I did not want to buy the spade bit they linked to anyways lol

One of “her” links was to spade bits and the other was a dead link. There have been a lot of them lately.

The writemythesis guys have been busy, too.

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do what lol?

lol, Phil will probably know who I am talking about.



It’s one of those online paper/essay/thesis writing services. They like this forum.

I know I do a lot of crazy xcarve test but I don’t think i will be trying out a spade bit anytime soon or in the future. Even I have my limits albeit few.


are you sure about that man i was watching you cut sheet metal today lol and running 150 ipm in that saw blade (which I thought was great lol )

So far I refuse to vcarve fruit cake and use the laser to burn a image in a guys hand.

you need to start a “will it carve” series

personally I would like to see ice cream or ice milled

I have put thought into something of that nature but short on time this year.

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G. Gordon Liddy would do it.

Tried it. OK for a novelty, but the burnt taste is noticeable and objectionable to some. YMMV. :smile:

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yeah lasers are food safe and actually other cnc machines like water jets are used quite alot in the baking industry to cut cakes :slight_smile:

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Probably a real big hit with the kids, regardless of burnt flavor. Low cost and easy to try.

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