Word Clock using X-Carve and electronic

Word Clock in Action click here

I created the letters in Easel, importing a special stencil font, then cutting them on my X-Carve.

I created a shadow box for each letter with a diffuser sheet.
I used a 4-meter strip of RGB Neopixels and cut into 11 LEDs per row. Soldered rows together. Used Easel and X-Cave to create troves for the Neopixel strips.
I then wrote CircuitPython code for the Adafruit Feather M0 Express to drive it all.
The easel project for the face plate are at Easel - Word Clock Public


That’s way cool!

That’s a lotta maths involved.

Very cool. Can you have the lights other than the time switched off completely?

very cool

Since this thing is driven from a python program, the lights can be turned off at any time. I decided to fill most of the lights with a dim random color and then display the time in words in a bright primary color. i hope this helps.

That is really cool, Michael. So cool, I shared it with my local Python nerd. FYI, just from watching the video, as a colorblind type, it doesn’t work for me. :frowning: I would personally need all the non-active colors turned off. Very cool project!