Z Probe From The Waste Board

I was wondering if you all could make it possible to use the z probe from the waste board as opposed to the to of the material? The problem I have is that the depth of cut is too deep and but and up cutting into the waste board even though I use calipers to measure the thickness of the material. If we could probe from the waste board, this wouldn’t happen, because the program would know exactly where the waste board is and only cut to that depth.

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I don’t have an X carve pro, just an X carve. The first thing I’d ask is have you calibrated your Z axis? I’m assuming your z probe is the same as the x carve probe, the round brass disk with the wire that plugs in.

You can just set that on your waste board and set the z to that. If properly calibrated, you shouldn’t be cutting deeper than you tell the machine to cut.

If you don’t have one, buy a digital caliper.:-).

It is possible and I have used this technique before to avoid the problem you describe. However I use fusion 360 for my workflow, not sure what you are using. As long as the work origin is defined at the bottom of the stock then the post processor takes care of applying the correct math on the carve. Depending on what software you are using this setting may or may not be accessible to you.

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