2nd attempt at Vacuum work holding

Early attempts at making vacuum fixtures for the CNC

cutting out bases for the edge lit images we have been making.


Thank you for this post Anthony. How is it working for you thus far?

Have made several vacuum fixtures since that one. Find it very quick and easy usually am able to do all the cutting including profile cuts. Been quite a while since I used tape & CA, and seldom use hold downs any more. Have added pneumatic cylinders to hold work where vacuum does not fit, it makes using the CNC much more fun. eg. Making some mason jar caps I start the carve & when it is done after about 8 mins., I swap in a new blank and run the file, while it is running am able to do the finish sanding and ring insertion and am ready to start the piece that just got done. so a finished part every 10/12 minutes.

Thanks Anthony

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