30 degree V Bit info

It’s been a bit (no pun intended) to add a 30 degree VBit I am looking for some decent specs and whatever else Easel Pro needs. Can anyone help here?

To enter a V bit into easel you need the Angle (30 degrees) and the Diameter of the Widest part of the cutter (so the Width of the V).
If you can link to or have part number, etc, of the bit the specs for the diameter are typically easily obtained online… . .

Regarding Cut Specs like Feed Rate, Plunge Rate, and Depth Per Pass… well that’s all determined with a ton of other factors… I’m going to let James explain that a little better here:

Thank you for the response, I found this info on a 30 degree bit, is this something that is useful to add a bit in Easel Pro.

30 Degree EXTREME DETAIL V-bit Bit for CNC

Shank: 1/4″ / Length: 2.51″ / Flutes: 1 / Flute length: 0.75″
100% carbide


Feed: 25-40 inches per minute
Speed (rpm): 13000-16000
For CNCs with routers, use full speed

eady to do some EXTREME DETAIL carvings with your CNC router?

The needle-sharp “Blade” 30-degree carving v-bit does what other v-bits can’t. It carves! Yes, this bit is a true engraving bit.

The Blade is designed with a knife-edge all the way to the point! Not only can you carve to 0.005″ detail, this CNC router bit also cuts the wood, leaving a mind-blowing smooth cut. It is a true carving bit!

Most v-bits have a flat edge on them. They scrape the wood away which leaves a rough finish. And unless you want to sand your v-carves, you just might want to invest in this puppy first.

This and all bits on this site are made of 100% solid tungsten-carbide. That’s the material the professionals use because it lasts 50x longer than standard bits.

Even beginner CNC’ers never go back once they use the Blade carving bits!

I am looking to figure out how to add a tampered Ball Nose End Mill. I have 4 with different Radius. Is this possible in Easel Pro? If so how would I do that?

Hi Regina, since easel does not generate toolpaths for 3d reliefs and Tapered Ball bits were designed for and mostly used for 3d relief carving, Easel does not currently accept tapered ball bits into the toolbox of bits properly.

Now IF you intend to only use it for very shallow engraving, you coild enter as an endmill and set the diameter as the diameter of the bit, but doing any deeper than the bit radius would cause the design to be effected and blow out the details. And going less deep will cause details to be lost and would thin out the design, so hitting the exact is key for this trick to work.

IMO a 20⁰ Vbit would be better suited then trying to trick easel into using TBN bits…


If I am only importing toolpaths from VCarve Pro the tool info comes with the import and there is no need to add bits to Easel at all, correct?


100% correct :+1:

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