3D Laser Diode Engraving with PicEngrave Pro 5

Another 6W laser diode 3D engraving example done in Poplar. Two separate gcode files were generate with PicEngrave Pro 5 from the same depth map image. One with X,Y & Z commands and another with X,Y,S & F commands. The two gcodes files were then combined together to create a new file with X,Y,Z,S & F commands on every line using our PicLaser 3D. The purpose of this was so the laser’s focal point would follow down into the darker, deeper cutting areas by having the Z axis moves in the file.

We developed PicLaser 3D for carving a 3D spindle relief and then Laser engraving shades on it afterwards. When the gcode is combined in this manner, the laser’s focal point with follow the 3D spindle reliefs profile to maintain the focal point on the surface.

This is the first time trying it by just using a laser diode for both of the 3D engraving processes done in one pass. More experimenting with the settings is surly needed.

This was a small gcode file with only 715,035 lines of code and of course, we used PicSender to stream it to the J-Tech PWM grbl. It was 5"W X 7"H in size and it took 5:00:19 in time to engrave.