A possible fix for some defective smart clamps

This is just a tip for others who might have experienced a similar issue with a non-responding homing button on the Carvey Smart Clamp.

I recently had the issue that the homing switch didn’t activate during homing, resulting in a broken bit and a minor indentation in the Smart Clamp homing button.

To fix the issue I cleared out the Smart Clamp for dust, and took out the PCB and removed the dust in this area. But the switch still didn’t register a push when looking in the machine inspector.

After some research, I found that a new smart clamp would cost me about $300 if shipped to Denmark, so I decided to see if I could find another fix.

I found out that it is possible also to disassemble the microswitch, but you need to be quite careful, have steady hands and good eyesight to remove the top metal cover on the switch :slight_smile:

It turned out that dust had entered the microswitch underneath the metal click dome so the switch couldn’t activate. After removing the dust, the switch worked just as it was supposed to again.

In this process, I also found out through other posts in the forum that the switch used appears to be a Panasonic EVQ-Q2D02W, just in case you need to replace it.

Hope someone might find this useful.



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