Ability to move center point or expand grid or working area

There have been many projects where I would like to work from the center of the project outwards. As you can see in this screen grab, in order to do that I need to position the artwork well off the grid. The problem here is I lose the visual grid and the visual for cutting. I’d like to know if it’s possible to either move the working center point on easel to another location on the grid, or, have the option to expand the grid off the artboard.

First, view the completed work on the workpiece, then when you are ready to carve move it to the center as you have it. It will carve just fine. I do this all the time


It is not, the workaround is what Philip suggest.

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Thanks, guys. Ya, not ideal. Also, noting this is part of the bigger topic of ‘preciseness’ Easel faces. In working under conditions like this, even having guides displaying 1/16" would help.

Are you are cutting a round piece? I do it like this and it comes out perfect every time.
Material is 18x18 Home in the bottom left.


Excellent idea. This latest project happened to be on a skateboard which posed many of it’s own problems. However, I do cut many circular items and will definitely plan on integrating your rail system. Thank you for this suggestion!

May I ask where you got your clamps? Or did yo make those? I love the wing handle.

From the shop

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Hey @pike_lake, Do a search for “bump stops” and G28. I can’t believe I’ve been carving without them/it!

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