About the Easel Pro category

How do I ask a question? I can’t find add post button??

Cant even figure out how to post a new topic…

Hi Wayne… the basket beside the drill bits is only there if you want to buy a bit! You are not charged anything if you choose it for a project.

This software seems to have more bugs than Joe’s apartment. Automatic spindal start will not start my spindal, yet when I send a gcode command M3 S1200 the spindal starts, M5 the spindal stops. if I had hair I would be pulling it out at this point. new installation of Easel and the Yorahome Silverback 6060. first time using both.

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ok, I figured out where the bugs live and have exterminated the ones that had me at a hault.
uninstalled the machine and reinstalled from the begining. spindal now works correctly.

How can I post issues I’m having with this poorly constructed attempt at a cam program called easel? other than replying
why are my files choosing to not saving from time to time?
why are my saved files disappearing after they fail to save? Files now say Untitled(instead of job name) and shows a preview of my saved work, but when i open the file it’s not my saved work. there should be an option to properly save files locally, because the cloud based saving is in no way reliable
why are dxf files importing randomly flipped or mirrored? which i could work with but… there isn’t an easy/accurate/fast way to fix the imported file
why are they’re not basic/simple features that almost every basic cam/cad program have? I’ve been running CNCs for 10+ yrs and this has got to be the most user unfriendly program I’ve ever touched, paid or free.
why would you make the program completely web based? seems like something that can put a small business out of business if the internet goes down for an extended period of time. very limiting for people in rural areas and in areas of extreme weather
what programs do i need to use to bypass ever using easel “pro” again?

How do you duplicate a 3d model on the same workpiece? Id like to cut the same model several times from the same piece of wood.

Hi Ruben, you’ll notice down the bottom of your screen, there is the Tab that has your current workpiece. There is a little drop down in the top right hand corner. You can Rename, Notes, Duplicate or Delete from there.

I upgraded my X-Carve 1000, but now I can’t resize my shapes or text. No I don’t have it locked, but it acts like it’s locked. Even my older projects won’t edit.
Any thoughts?