Adirondack Chair

Hello all new to the forum… A friend of mine purchased and xcarve and let me use it… So I decided to use it in my latest Adirondack chair project. I really enjoyed using it and went out and ordered one for myself that arrived yesterday. YEA!!! Well enough of that. Here is the chair I made using the xcarve please let me know what you think


Nice job! Did you use it to actually cut out the parts or just do the engraving? If so, were any pieces longer than the diagonal of the XC? Did you have to mess with tiling?

I made a set of these by hand to try and win an X-Carve in an Instructables contest. Definitely need to make some with the XC1000. I also have the digital files from the plans that I bought.


What is the longest dimension in the plans you purchased?

Hey Midnightmaker… I just used it to do the carving not cutting out the pieces. I just got a 1000mm XC myself and plan on designing a chair to use it to cut out the parts. That chair you made is really cool.

As for tiling no. I laid out the 5 back pieces and cut it a one design taking into count the curve of the back to make sure it aligned when completed. Had to do no adjustments surprisingly…

Thanks for the compliment looking forward to getting mine up and running this weekend

Hey Robert,

Tell Phil that I sent you his way and see if he’ll give you some kind of deal on the DXF files. I increased his sales, literally, exponentially, by posting my Instructable. That’s gotta count for something…:sunglasses:

i can convert the PDF plans to vectors.

you can convert a pdf file to a Vector using Adove illustrator.

GliderRockerPlans.pdf (313.6 KB) (74.2 KB)

Sorry, I just had time to measure it. The upright back piece is 38" long, the horizontal bottom piece is 34" long and the longest back slat is about 30" long. This means that although the longer pieces don’t fit square on the work area, they will all fit within the approximately 44" diagonal…:sunglasses:

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