Amost every time I use this machine it destroys what I am carving!

@CNCInspiration, … Nailed it…!!


Brandon Parker

Well Guys,

Took a look at that gcode this morning. It’s problem of 1.25" shift is on the right side of “O” And the left side of the “C”. you can rule out EMI, just a bad gcode.

On the right side of “O” it will make the first pass and retrack for next pass to 1/3 down from top of “O” touch down and move 1.25 -Y and proceed with next pocket pass.

Try redoing your Gcode. this code is all over the place.

1st. welcome
2nd. scene
3rd. cut out

if select start points might knock off 6 to 8 min. of your project.

This does not appear to be the case at all…

The OP’s issue, according to the OP, occurred at about the 21 second mark in the video. When I look at where that is in the video, I find that the machine would not even be cutting out the “O” at that point.

If the shift did in fact occur at about the 21 second mark, it appears that the machine would be in this section of gcode shown below. It would have just completed the .

When I look at the gcode, in Easel, I do not see any shift relating to the “C” and “O” in the visualization. Maybe what you think is a shift is the fact that the gcode is moving the bit into the interior of the “C” and “O” to clear the material since the shape is wider than 2 x bit diameter in the middle which means it must do a third pass in the widest parts of the letters…


What is it that I am missing…?


Brandon Parker

I didn’t say there was a shift in the left part of the C, the gcode change. it retracked out of pocket to a safety height and plunged again.

the start point on right side has 3 points after first pass it goes +Y plunges shift 1.25 to-Y and starts next pass and retracks and repeats.

maybe remove the dust colection device so you can see whats going on.

Just sayin’ …

I just do not see an issue with what the gcode is doing. It does not appear to be “shifting” anywhere to me…


Brandon Parker

:ok_hand: :v:

Were you talking about these paths here? They appear to be within the confines of the design…


Brandon Parker

Is this a svg that you imported to easel? if so, share it

This is a slightly modified design from the easel projects page. Wildlife scene | Inventables

I am not a great or even good g-code guy yet. I let easel do its thing and just carve the design. Really new to the CNC process. I see a lot of inconsistent routering and jumping from item to item in the rendering of easel carvings but don’t know how to change the way it looks at the work process.

What I do know is that I have had 9 different pieces of work have something similar happen during the carve like this one or it will happen in the Y axis, the distance it is off has been different every time, it is not repeatable, and it is destroying some really nice wood that I have worked hard to get ready for the carving that I want to put on it. This one was just a test carve on some plywood to see if I liked the looks, thankfully it was not on the final board of cherry.

I would like to think that the software is not that bad but maybe I need to find something different.

everyone here is learning or trying to help someone to learn something new,

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William Try this, let me know how it goes

welcome .125 end mill stock 25w X 18ht X .5 th_3-Profile 2_1-1st Pocket .gcode (116.8 KB)

welcome .125 end mill stock 25w X 18ht X .5 th_3-Profile 2_2-2nd Profile .gcode (552.6 KB)

welcome .125 end mill stock 25w X 18ht X .5 th_3-Profile 2_3-3rd Profile .gcode (330.9 KB)

What software are you using to produce the g-code?

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He used Vetric.
BUT the feeds are reduced from 150 IPM to 50IPM; plunge from 50IPM to 25IPM
and Depth per pass has also been reduced from 0.12 to 0.1.
The Spindle RPM has also been changed from 22K RPM to 12K RPM

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vectric, I gave three files word pocket scene pocket and cutout no bit change use a down cut for clean face. no tear out.
make sure, do in order

I’m looking at the carve video and the simulation, and one issue that I see is; what is holding the part in place? IF the part is left to move around it COULD move and result in a high load on the spindle and IF the steppers can’t push through the extra material, then the stepper WILL loose steps (or the belt will skip teeth).

I don’t see double tape in this area and I don’t see any tabs. You may want to either add tabs, or change these smaller pieces into pocket cut types and turn it into sawdust.

However another issue that can allow the cnc to move on you when it shouldn’t, that I mentioned above and haven’t seen confirmation of: Have you checked the belt tension?

@Ken4 What size bit did you use for that gcode? and what size bit was William using?

There is double side tape under the wood holding the parts. One very small part did pop out but was sucked up by the vacuum. As far as the stepper losing steps, it gained steps as it was to move to the right and it did, but over moved.

I have had this problem before, it has happened with a 30 v bit at 10 ipm only cutting .04" deep, all the way to the 1.25" surfacing bit, that was flattening a slab that was too wide for my planner. I just used the surface board planning program and slowed the rate down. There doesn’t seem to be anything in common with any of the carves. I am wondering about the EMI issue in that the kitchen microware is just on the other side of the wall from my system. Waiting for my scope to be available to see if just maybe there is something there.

Bit size is noted gcode title, never asked William was using but you can ask him.
I never use tabs also i just gave him a simple carve that takes a little longer.

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.25 downcut

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