Are Inlay portions reversed?

I am using the Inlay Generator app, and it looks to me like no matter what my tolerances are, the pocket section is smaller than the insert section. Here’s a pic of my preview with a .002 tolerance:

The generator creates the grey portion as a “clear out a pocket,” and the outlined section as “cut on shape path.” When I do the actual cut, I get the same result. Could it be that the generator is switching the one that should be the pocket and the one that’s supposed to be the insert?

Can you share your Easel project from this test?

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I just published it. Inlay Test Numbers | Inventables

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So the project looks different than your original.
Are you sure there is a problem with the sizes?

EDIT: So I looked at the new file. They are tight, but here it is with the 5.
The Blue is the pocket and the Yellow is the inlay. I did this for the contrast.
Here they are at the size they will be cut based on the most current Easel project.

Here it is as an inlay…notice you can see the blue around the edge of the yellow, suggesting they will fit together.

And zoomed in…

Conclusion: seems to be working on Easel’s side.

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Yeah, that looks right. Maybe I used the wrong object for the insert in my first example. I’ll start over and see what happens.

Thanks for all your help!


Okay, I ran the file, and, notwithstanding my gantry bumping my clamp, they all worked, .002 being very snug, up to .005 - looser, but still quite snug.

I’m thinking the insert looking too big for the pocket in my pic of the 2s above was due to the rendering being an isometric representation. If I measure the height of the tail of the 2, in the insert, it’s about 93 pixels tall on the screen, but in the insert, it’s only about 76. Same with the image of the file I carved today, 70 vs 66.

Anyway, it works as it’s supposed to, despite my skepticism. Thanks again for the help.


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