Automatic ON/OFF switch using FoxAlien Relay

Hi! I’ve been trying to connect my Xcarve with the FoxAlien relay however for some reason Easel cant turn the spindle on. I’m not sure if its the settings that is wrong or not. I’ve tested the voltage coming out of the Xcontroller and into the relay, The output is 10 V when I apply the code M3 S20000. I have a Makita RT0700C. Is there anyone who knows how to solve this?

This shows the settings to use the IOT relay. . . . the FoxAlien one is exactly the same setup.

I’ve tried this setting and it still does not work. I’ve connected the relay to 0-10 V and GND. Then set $30 = 1 and $31=0 ,$32=0. It still does not give any signal to the Makita. I’ve tested setting the machine settings to Hardware then tested both router setting to Makita and Others with an RPM from 10 000 - 30 000. This does not work as well. Not really sure what the problem is.

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