Bits for X-Carve

Hi all,

I have an X-CARVE and usually use an 1/8 downcut bit from inventables for cutting plywood and MDF.

My question is it’s worth to buy a bit from whiteside or spektra like these ones:ÅMÅŽÕÑ&keywords=whiteside+bowtie&qid=1559666515&s=toys-and-games&sr=1-1-spons&psc=1&smid=A1WO0LWTFI0BL8

Also, a compression bit is worth?

Thanks a lot.

I’ve been cncing for about a dozen years. I try to buy whiteside bits as my first choice for my two cnc routers. They last longer. Next favorites are CMT and Freud. Amana are pretty nice too. Everything else pales in comparison.

a compression bit is unnecessary, because they are intended for cutting full depth. That is, unless you want to try a SLOW full-depth cut.

I buy a lot of bits from tools today.
They have a great selection and great service.
I use down cut bits quite frequently.
I also have a compression bit that I’m not to impressed with.
They have a tendency to…well…compress the cuttings in the cut.
Again,you cant go wrong with tools today.