Broken 1/8 straight 2F bit

Anyone ever have a bit break inside the DeWalt spindle? I’ve seen bits break along the cutting portion but not the shank

Not enough bit inside the collet for support. Did you move the plastic collar up?

No Sir

I didn’t touch it

Improper shaft length, insufficient clamping force or material fatigue.
Check your collet for any sign of damage.

I put another bit in to complete the carve

So far so good

Hopefully she makes it another 30 min

1/4" or 1/8"? Collet adapter or collet?


I use the Collet Adaptor that came with the X-Carve.

That bit broke because of the adapter.

Get an actual 1/8” collet. Elaire makes good ones.

Thanks. Just ordered.

I had that happen almost in the exact place after one of my first cuts.
I have a 1/8 upcut with 1/4 inch shank so I switched to that afterwards.
I was wondering if it was the chatter from doing pocketing on a 3/4 inch piece. Pretty sure I had the thing tight enough. It broke during the last 5 minutes of an hour job