Buying X-Carve without Controller Kit and Stepper Motors

Hello, when I was looking at the X-Carve before there was the option to leave certain parts off the order, including the Controller kit and the stepper motors.

I don’t need the stepper motors because I already have some NEMA 23 140 oz stepper motors from other projects, but it looks like you can’t buy the X-Carve without buying the stepper motors. Is this true?

Same goes for the controller kit.

If so, it’s a terrible change.


I was told by Inventables that the change was just for the Black Friday sale. We’ll see if the option comes back when the sale is over.

Well, the sale is over, and here we are without the ability to buy an X-Carve core component kit without some of the extras.

Any word on this?


I just went to the configuration site and it let me uncheck the X-controller and NEMA 23s.

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They are back