C shaped pockets?

How to carve a C shaped pocket about 1/2 inch wide with rounded ends using a 1/4" bit.
I can do it using no cut areas to get rid of the rest of the circle, but the no cut areas get in the way of the next one, I want a row of them about 1/2" appart. Any tips???

simply put: Layer Better.
Place the NEXT circle on TOP of the 0 depth mask piece of the prior and repeat. . .

O[quote=“SethCNC, post:2, topic:151393, full:true”]
simply put: Layer Better.
Place the NEXT circle on TOP of the 0 depth mask piece of the prior and repeat. . .

Oh dear, never done any layering, will give it a try when we get home tomorrow. Thanks Seth

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You can also combine layered objects to create a single new object as well. Then you would just copy/paste that new object.


Brandon R. Parker

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Thank you, last night I was trying varios things, what I came up with was using part of a text letter C, that had a curve I could live with, put a no carve pocket on the parts I did not want, then combined them, that gave me a curve that I could copy and paste to get the spacing I want.
Just need to go over it again now that I am home, and use Easel to numerically set the spacing.
Thanks to both you and Seth for helping.

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Can you post an image of what you are after? I might be able to whip something up real quick…


Brandon R. Parker

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Will be amazed if this copy from Easel works, I still need to clean it up and make the X axis spacing even.
Would like to have the curves be closer to a semi circle and to have the cut and the C part equal, but what I have here will work.

So, you want the object to be 1/2" wide…?

How tall should it be?

How thick should the pocket be?


Here is a quick example to show you how to do what I think you are trying to do.

Here is how it goes:

  1. Create your first circle with the height you want. Height and width are the same obviously; otherwise, it would not be a circle. Set the depth to what you want.
  2. Create the second circle size 2x the width you want the cutout to be smaller than your first circle. Set the cut depth to zero and align the two.
  3. Pin both circles so they do not move.
  4. Make a rectangle that covers the height of the largest circle and more than half of the width.
  5. Select a circle, change the position to center, and copy the X-Coordinate.
  6. Select a circle and the rectangle and align them vertically.
  7. Select the rectangle, change the position to bottom-left, and paste the copied value into the X-Coordinate. This should align the left side of the rectangle with the center of the circles.
  8. Unpin the circles
  9. Select all three shapes and then combine them, and you should have your desired C-shaped object.


Brandon R. Parker


The Y axis should be about 80mm The X axis 1/2 of that so 40mm the spacing about 1/2 inch and the thickness of the carve about the same 1/2"
Depth of cut is slightly more than 1/2 the thickness of the wood, and may vary, My idea is to make the carve then flip it end over end and then repeat so there is a row of curved cut outs on each side that are reversed from each other to make a pattern. the material size may vary so once it is a unit the size of the carve an be adjusted to suit each piece. The total area of the rows shown would be around X 270 mm by about Y80 mm as much as I want to carve this I would really like to know how to design it, as I have other ideas for shapes.

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Thank you so much, will give it a go tomorrow, spent the day driving so gonna have to hang it up, as am having trouble keeping my thoughts straight.

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Ok, we will let you try making the shapes yourself. If you need assistance, just post back here.


Brandon R. Parker

@BrandonR_Parker , Hey I need all the help I can get. we were cross posting yesterday evening, & you were getting out way in front of me
As soon as I can make the time will take the laptop up to the shop so that I can read your recipe while I try the shape making. I am of the mind set that if I can learn to do something from you, that is better than just doing things by rote. Was wiped out yesterday from driving, used to drive 16 or more hours then go party, now the old man is wiped after a four hour drive. I was and am in awe of the amount of help you were giving me, so please have mercy.
Thanks Tony.

@AnthonyBAldridge, Not a problem. I am just glad to help! Just let us know if you need further assistance when you do get around to working on the project.


Brandon R. Parker

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