Can you do custom 3d reliefs with Vcarve or Vcarve Pro?

I am looking into getting into CNC milling and I want to make sure that I get what I am wanting. I am interested in being able to do my own custom 3d reliefs, I am not sure which programs I would need to do this.

My understanding is that these programs only allow you to purchase 3d reliefs only from 3d vector art

V-Carve and V-Carve pro are not 3D modelling programs. You can create your models in another program and export as an STL file and bring them into V-Carve to generate the toolpaths or you could do everything in Fusion360.

The Vectric product that includes 3D modelling is Aspire.

Can you make your own in Aspire?

Yes, but the price tag is high…almost $2000.

Fusion360 is free for hobbyists and startups making less then 100k a year.

So as a hobbyist would you ever have to pay for Fusion 360?

As of right now…no.

Will it ever change? Who knows.

I’ve been working in 3d in Fusion 360
here is a project I have been working on:

there are some links at the bottom of that, including one to a discussion in the Autodesk forums where some of us who work with meshes hang out.

Hope this helps.

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Is fusion 360 still the best opportunity relief carving on the Carvey please?

It is one of the cheapest (free), but it has a steep learning curve. I use Fusion360 for a lot of things. I also use MeshMixer if I just want to combine models (stl files) for use in V-Carve.

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