Hoping this is the correct place to post this. Thank you in advance for your patience and wisdom.
I am very new CNC. Picked up an 1000mm XC this summer. Just finished assembly. Some minor mistakes running wires through drag chain, but easily fixed. Great instructions.
During the Calibrate step, I began to set the stepper motor [current] on my NEMA 23s. Looked a little too complex, but I wanted to follow the directions. Details are a little fuzzy, but I installed drivers for Easel, ran the test file apparently successfully without a bit. Then I used it to send recommended gcode commands to adjust current. I read I could use the Machine-> Advanced->Machine Inspector to send the code. Somewhere, it hit the ends of the maker slides and I hit the reset button on the g shield.
Alarms have gone off and reset commands ($X or $H etc) in Machine-> Advanced->Machine do not appear to work. Keeps giving the same location in an apparent endless loop of trying to move or find itself. Eventually, had to leave so I powered down and disconnected from computer.
I can provide images and specs as needed. I will try again when I return to work tomorrow.
Please advise or direct to the appropriate thread to reset and/or troubleshoot. I am sure these are rookie mistakes, but I hope you all can save a massive error on my part. Thank you all.