Ok, you’re set up. Looks like now you just have to do the fine tuning.
Thank you so much, larry. I cannot even begin to tell how eleven I am that this part is (hopefully stays) finished.
And yeah, looks like all I need to do is tweak the belts
Great. If anything else comes up just jump back in here. Lots of folks on here to help out.
just an update: software is still good to go. connects to easel right away. still cannot get the axis to run smoothly. i adjusted the belt, didn’t seem to do anything. Z runs fine 90% of the time, X goes a few steps then bogs down. Y has yet to run on its own withot a little constant gentle pressure
The pots? Are you refering to the potentiometers? If so, no. I haven’t touched them.
If I can add my 2 cents worth. My Y carriage was stopping and sounding like it was grinding. I loosened up the two centric nuts that tighten or loosen the tightness of the wheels against the frame work (brain freeze of actual name) this allowed my carriage to move properly. They were to tight and kept my carriage from moving like it should.
how can I see if that’s the problem? I can’t loosen the nuts and move the carriage by hand because that causes the stepper motors to generate power and could cause damage to the gshield
The drivers can handle some back current. As long as you aren’t rapidly zipping the steppers around by hand, you should be fine. Just go slowly with it.
If you’re really concerned, disconnect the steppers from the terminal block or control board before moving.
OK. So should I try the eccentric nuts or the potentiometer adjustment first?
I am sure by now you have tried several things. If not try the wheels first. It is so much easier to start with that. Do not mess with things that may cause more problems in the long run. Electric / electronic items can cause other problems. Start with mechanical things first.