Can't carve a square box

When carving a square I always get a blade width carve bottom right side of every carve outside.p

Lack of machine rigidity as the bit engage full depth and “dig” in. When the cutter engage material there is a tool deflection.

What can I do to fix it

I wont know since I dont have your machine next to me.
(I am not trying to be uptight with my answer :slight_smile: )

Each and every machine, Xcarve and all else, do have some sort of deflection. You have mechanical deflection, backlash, tool deflection and all these are also affected by cutting forces. Any play will have an impact.

All I can suggest is ensure your machine is tight and well tuned, and matched with a decent cut rate (cutting force) the phenomenon will be reduced.

Another thing to try is to do the cut twice, first time set to a smidge smaller than intended, then once more with actual size. This should reduce cutting forces when done appropriately.

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And if the design allows use a larger diameter tool on the second pass that way you are much more likely to trim off the little “blades” as you call them.

Also are you pocketing (i.e. inside a square) or profiling the outside of a square (cutting it out of the stock)? Those often have very different forces. Sine easel doesn’t do adaptive strategies you need to make sure you aren’t “slotting” into the material which will maximize deflection. So what is your depth of cut per pass set to (and on what diameter tool?). Like 0.1" on a 1/16" tool will deflect that tool like it’s made of rubber. The default speeds and feeds from Inventables, while super conservative will minimize deflection and backlash of the x-carve components. You don’t want to go “too slow” either as that just rubs/burns the wood which also makes the tool unhappy.

And of course check that the stock is flat to the tool on the top (like set the tip of the end mill a tiny height above the workpiece and move it slowly (in case it’s not flat, don’t want to crash) around the piece. If the gap varies that would cause the tool to crash into the piece causing significant deflection due to a deeper depth of cut than anticipated in that region of the high-spot.