Well CS6 may do similar. Check for files in the same directory named with time/date stamps and also look at the file size of the SVG file in Windows Explorer. If it is 0KB, it’s probably not going to work.
Do you have the original SVG file you wrote out from Illustrator, and can you attach it here?
SVG files are surprisingly complicated, and have a LOT of different ways to store image data. Inkscape will likely support all of it, but something like Easel probably doesn’t. Things you can do to improve the likelihood of getting it to work include:
- Converting strokes to outlines
- Converting fonts to curves
- Saving as SVG 1.0 or Compressed SVG
- Saving as “self contained” - Some software allows you to create files that reference other files, and Easel certainly wouldn’t support this.
Sierpinski Curve Final.zip (60.0 KB)
OK, thanks for the suggestions. Here is the file, let’s see how it behaves on your computers.
Shab Levy
Big X.zip (518 Bytes)
OK, thanks. Just to keep life simple, I made a new drawing, joined all the nodes and zipped the file.
Let see what you guys do with this and thank you all.
Shab Levy
Let’s try this one.
How about this one created with the pen tool in Inkscape?
I want to thank everyone on this forum for trying to help me with my problem of creating importable files into Easel.
I am going to take some time off to reflect on all this because something prevents my efforts. I will be back in the not so distant future.
Shab Levy
Like I said before, SVG files have a TON of ways to represent the same data. The BigX file is built as a polyline, like this:
< polyline fill=“none” stroke="#000000" stroke-width=“2” stroke-miterlimit=“10” points="194.25,482.25 410.25,266.25
194.25,266.25 410.25,482.25 "/ >
And the circle is built using the actual circle command, like this:
< circle fill="#FFFFFF" stroke="#000000" stroke-width=“2” stroke-miterlimit=“10” cx=“306” cy=“396” r=“108” id=“circle3765”/ >
I’m going out on a limb and guessing Easel is looking for actual paths, in which case converting shapes to paths in InkScape will likely do what you want. There may be an option for it in Illustrator as well.
SVG files are just XML (text) files. If you change the extension from .svg to .txt you can open it in Notepad (or any text editor) and see the content. You can probably just right-click the file and choose “Open with” and select notepad (don’t use “always open with this” though). If you play with things like “strokes to outlines” or “shapes to outlines” type options in Illustrator, at some point you should see the SVG content change to something more like this:
< path d="M322.978,615.334c-65.086,0-114.569,41.324-117.849,92.064c-3.652,56.497,38.396,119.576,132.194,110.413 . . . .
The path command is what Easel is most likely looking for.
Not sure what do you mean by “Hey Shab They this” and a link to an Illustrator file?
Please explain.
Shab Levy
I have the same problem.
Tried 12 different formats, outlines, paths, and so forth.
But all I get is the “text import error”, although there’s no text.
Will try that, and post how it went, thanks. But now for a 8 hour sleep…
Well, that worked.
I checked the the page if I can see any selections after I clicked “Invert Selection”, but I couldn’t see any…
Hit the delete key anyways, sved and tried to import, and it worked.
Either a bug in inkscape or I’m loosing my mind.
Thanks for the solution and another life hack, Phil.
Hi There,
I’m new to CnC, and I have had mixed results getting an svg into Easel. Currently I’m stuck as well.
I created a basic 3D surfboard in Fusion, and exported the outline of the surfboard as svg, imported into easel and carved it into wood. Worked fine.
Now I’m making a cribbage board. I’m going to etch the artwork with a laser, but I figured for the peg holes I would use the X-carve. I struggled with getting all my artwork into Fusion, but eventually I got an outline of the art in there, but putting the pegs around was a pain. So I went to Illustrator CS 6 (macbook pro, 8g) to make it easier. I put all the 1/8 inch holes, 1/4 inch apart in groups of 15 circles 3X5. A cribbage pegboard has 120 holes per track, with three tracks, so it’s over 360 holes. I positioned them with 0.5pt stroke, black, and when the first few svgs wouldn’t import into Easel, I tried Object–Expand. Renamed and re-exported a new batch of svgs. Svg basic, compressed, tiny, tiny +, basically every permutation I could. None of them would import into Easel. I’m about to turn to V-carve, because I just sorted out the serial, but I found this page. Now that I read it, I’m thinking, since it’s just 360 circles, perhaps my illustrator used the circle command described above. Aside from Object --expand, is there another better way to outline your strokes or make circles into an svg that will be useful in Easel? My svg opens fine in illustrator so it’s not a 0kb file. Thank you in advance.
I have a similar issue, mostly with text svg/s, not all though. I have bought SVG-s from Etsy, got some free svg-s from SVGdesigns.com and HelloSVG.com and some would work fine, some not. If I figured it out why I have issues with some of them I’d be very happy. I’d appreciate any feedback, thanks.
Could you share one of the SVGs that gave you trouble?
If the text is not converted to an object then Easel will not open it because that font in not on Easel.
Easel only recognizes fonts that are installed on Easel