Carve not starting properly

I’ve jogged the spindle to the bottom left corner and used the paper method for the Z axis.

Clicked on ‘Carve’ and followed the steps through ‘select new position’ to ‘raise the bit’ ; ‘start spindle’ ;‘spindle is on’; ‘Carve’.

The spindles then moves to the styart of the carve but doesn’t go back down to the surface of the workpiece resulting in more than 15 minutes of ‘cutting fresh air’ as it moves down.

Anybody else had this problem? If so how did you fix it?

Hello @TrevorHarrison and welcome!

What type of machine are you using? Is this an X-Carve or 3rd party machine? Using a Z-Probe would be the best option for setting the Z-Axis zero position although the paper method does work (I used it for quite some time…).

When you went through the machine setup process, did you specify that you did not have a z-probe?


Brandon R. Parker

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