Carving lines in easel pro

Hello, I am trying to carve straight lines in easel. I am making them .25 wide the length of the board. I have them drawn in easel, was using 1/8 bit and changed to 1/4 bit and the lines where still there. I was trying to add numbers and they did not show up so I added a 60 deg bit and the letters appeared. I noticed though the lines i had would be cut too with the 60 deg bit. So I took it out, when all was said and done with my 1/4 bit selected I was left with a bunch of crosses. But if I select the 1/8 bit again my lines come back in the preview. What am I doing wrong and what can I do to fix this. Thanks for any help.

See if this helps:

Two-Stage Carves (Roughing and Detail Carves) – Inventables

I myself would just make two files , one for the 1/4" line bits and a file for the Text. I would home the machine each time I change the bit.

Then there is this:

Trouble carving small text - lines are missing on some letters - Easel - Inventables Community Forum

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