Hello guys
I am still a noob and I found a strange issue. I have a Sainsmart 4040pro and Easel Pro. Until now I made only test carvings from the Easel library and a short text and they all worked fine. They were relatively short jobs though.
Yesterday I setup the first 2.5D job that I had designed myself with Easel, g-code attached here:
Basic mould form.zip (168.8 KB)
It’s a long job that should take a few hours but the carving stopped after minutes. I tried many times to resume from the same position but it always stopped again after about one minute.
I checked the forum for suggestions and I found, among others, this previous discussion with a list of options: Carving keeps stopping (Resolved) - #11 by DominikMai
However, the first thing I did today was to make a longer test with an existing design from the Pro Design Library. It took almost 2 hours but it worked until the end without interruptions.
Then I retried my own design but it stopped again after 5 minutes! I also tried variations with two-stage (1 inch + 1/8), a single 1/4 inch and a single 1/8 inch carves with the same stopping after a short time.
I tried again a longer combination of designs from the Easel library and again it worked for 2+ hours until the end.
So I can confidently say this has nothing with the usb ports, cable, EMF or anything like that. Only my own design makes the job stop after a while, do you have any idea what can be the reason? Thanks