Categorizing projects

I recently made some rocking chairs for my grandkids and have shared them but how do i get them into the project categories

Select publish and follow the steps

I see Jeffs projects out there. You can search by his name. However, the rocking chairs do not appear in the category “Home Decor” as do other stools and other designs.

This is what is lacking from Inventables that is in other sites such as Thingiverse. In Thingiverse, the author can add tags that make the design easy to find by people searching for decor or furniture. In Thingiverse you can also publish designs to forums so for example new laser cut designs will alert users who are interested in laser cut designs.

Another problem is that the project designs have a lot of dead wood in them. For example, go to projects and search for “ornament” on the second page of projects you will see this Log In | Inventables but if you click into it you will see that it is not a project at all. There are over 1,000 of these dead ends out there.

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Hi Harry,
Thank you for the suggestion. We have added search to projects which should filter out the less desirable projects, you can check out the ornaments search results atâś“&query=ornaments&button=

We are working trying to get the less relevant projects out, I have removed the project you linked from the site already. I have noted your recommendation on tags, that’s a great idea.


About 6 months ago I wrote a script and parsed all of the projects. Using the image meta data, I was able to pull off an inception date for the project. I then also looked for the like count, download count, cross linking of projects and the number of projects from each user.

From that I looked for projects that lacked files to download that had never been liked and were submitted by users that did not have other viable projects. This turned into quite a list. I sent that list to Jeff Talbot on September 8th and since then I have heard crickets.

If you have Admin type powers, look through my sent messages for a message entitled “Thinning out the Projects”

What I recommended was changing the status of all of those projects to “not published” so that if someone had a legitimate project in progress it would not be lost.

When you go to the project page, the very first image you see is a sign, you click on it and there is no file. Inventables has a lot of projects like that.