Close to purchasing an x carve, opinions on what to get?

To save the gcode file from Fusion 360, you right click on the setup or the operation (whatever you’re saving the gcode for) and choose the command “post process”. It opens up a box that asks for various things, the main things are which post processor to use (xcarve) and where to save the gcode.

Edit: Oops -> open

I’d really appreciate it, Master Jedi Johnson.

Merry Christmas (Happy Holidays), good sir.

Right Click on “The Setup”?.. I’m sorry, I’m a bit lost already.

Oh I see. Back up. I figured you already knew how to do CAM and you were asking how to send it to the xcarve.

First you have to do CAM which you do by switching modes from Model to CAM. Then you have to create a setup to define your stock, zero coordinate location. Then you need to add operations to that setup (it’s like a folder) that contain all of your CAM operations for that setup (like a 2D contour, Adaptive clearing, etc.). For this, Phil is right, a few YouTube videos will be faster and more complete than reading a forum response.

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Thank you!

Thank You, Phil!!!

I looked at this yesterday, and lost myself in vehicle concept design. LMFAO

I’ll take another look when I get back in a bit and I’ll just make like a cube with a pocket or something to stay on task. :smiley:

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