Com port just quit!

Sounds like maybe the operating system thinks some other program is still accessing it (maybe a previous session with the Easel backend). I’d reboot the machine and see if the problem goes away.

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I opened my computer after a bit of usage and MAN the layer of dust in there was worse than the gshield

yes. I had to adjust the service to delayed start.

not sure if its stable after that change.but now its working when pc starts up.

before I made a bat like this:
net stop EaselLocal
net start EaselLocal

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I put this text in the file easel-restart.bat

net stop EaselLocal
net start EaselLocal

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just because I like to see if the output of the service restart :slight_smile:

but it’s not needed

you also can find the service under services. that’s where I changed to delayed start (automatic)

not sure but easel suddenly don’t say access denied in machine inspector(easel) if I do this.

It looked like this in easel machine inspector before a restart of the service:

Opening COM3: Access denied
Opening COM3: Access denied
Opening COM3: Access denied
Opening COM3: Access denied
Opening COM3: Access denied
Opening COM3: Access denied
Opening COM3: Access denied

However after I changed to delayed start of the service, It seems to work without restarting service (using the bat).

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What browser are you using for Easel?

It’s possible the browser isn’t fully closed out which doesn’t fully close Easel and keeps the COM port active. I’ve seen that happen on Google Chrome before.

I’m having the same issue but I read as well, the use of a powered USB hub helped but in my case it didn’t. I ran an almost two-hour rough cut then I moved on to a 2-hour detail cut got to about 80ish percent and I went to check on the PC I have how does it look message? but it was just stopped. I was running this on Chrome window 10 with usb hub, I went over all power setting that I can think of. Is there anything in advance settings on the com port that we have played. Have you have any luck?