Connection question

I forgot about that one. I thought that was for the invalid G-code message.

I thought it was a USB issue like you, but after discussing it with John, he thought it could be because the Vector Gcode was not selected. so I figured I would relay that in his words instead of mine. :laughing:


good morning Gents,
Per Inventables request, I have brought my laptop and the X controller to my office where I have a reliable internet connection.
They will log on to my laptop and “hopefully” perform their magic.
When I get back to my shop this afternoon I will also select the vector gcode button and try it again.
I really appreciate everyone’s help.

I sincerely wish you good luck. For now I’m going to sit on the sidelines. There is no possible way to continue trying to help with multiple unknown changes occurring to your setup. I really hope the Inventables team gets it all working for you, as you truly deserve to have it.

And I promise, we all here share your frustrations. We’ve all been there at one time or another.

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Thank you and thank you to everyone else that has tried to help me out.
I realize that a lot of my problems are due to my own lack of knowledge in this area, but I am also very eager to learn.
I still find it fascinating to watch a CNC machine running.
I will report back once I go through this exercise with Inventables today.

I don’t need the internet to run easel?