Cpu map for 644p

a friend of my asked if it was possible to use the OMC
(Project | SolderPad)
on an xcarve and it was some 3 years ago

since it was loaded with marlin and worked we never got far on that

but i did at the time fork GitHub - inventables/grbl: Inventables X-Carve specific Grbl versions: and tried to make a cpu map for the 644p

does it look somewhat correct? have a cpumap for the 644p been made before so i can have a look and compare?

i know the fork i have is old, but thought it would be better to work from that and then update to latest once its working

Why not just run Marlin if that’s what it’s made for?

because marlin no longer fits an 644 or 644p

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found a map here for 644 (https://github.com/MakeMagazinDE/MaXYposi_Grbl_644/blob/master/libraries/grbl_644/cpu_map.h)

will use that and just move pins arround to match the board and then test by trial and error