Delete A Job

Is there currently a way to delete a job? More to the point, once the new pricing goes into effect how will we get below the threshold if we have a bunch of jobs we were trying things on? How will that work? Will we be able to create and delete jobs to stay under the threshold?


Hi Jonathan,
Thanks for your question and for using Easel Cabinetmaker in the Beta.

Currently there is not a way to delete a job - but you can delete the project/s that are contained in Jobs. You are able to delete projects to get back under the free plan limit of 3 projects and then create new projects. Jobs are unlimited for all plans.

Since jobs can contain things other than projects - like photos, checklists, and notes - we will be building out more tools around job status. That way if you start a job and it goes stale with the client, you can archive it, but come back to it later if you need to.


Thanks Ben, I appreciate the response. And thanks to everyone for developing something that allows for a tiered approach. It’s nice to dip your toe into something without having a LARGE upfront commitment. It gives the ability to expand when your needs expand. When the cabinetmaker beta first started I was super excited to get in and tinker around but other obligations kept me from fully diving in. I look forward to seeing this develop and tinkering with it further. Thanks again to everyone for all they’ve done on this.
