Thanks, Zach. I tried refreshing a few times, rearranging artwork, reimporting artwork, saving the file with objects deleted and wasn’t able to shake it until I cut and pasted the artwork in Illustrator from the old document to a new document, saved an entirely new .SVG file, and now they are gone. I will be doing more tests this weekend and will let you know if anything further occurs.
BTW, the new Easel optimization is working flawlessly.
I think the optimization introduced this bug.
If you want my working file for tests, just let me know. Anything I can do to help.
@Ruwan was looking into it today. I’m not sure if he figured it out yet.
Woah that’s awesome.
Pike, do you still have the svg that generated those lines? I would like to have a look.
(BTW, awesome project Pike!)
Thank you
Yes! Here it is. Let me know if you need anything else. The files attached are regular and .zipped, and the original .ai file as well. (185.4 KB) (1.9 KB)
Thanks Pike. I will have a look
@pike_lake, I’ve tested and found that there are some hidden guides in the svg file. (If you could open the file in a text editor you might see those elements. There are total of 11 hidden line segments.)
That is why we don’t see them in the 2D editor (left hand side). I will get back to you on Monday regarding this.
ive been having issues sort of like this with svgs i create in inkscape. there are a bunch of extra toolpaths that dont make sense
@BadWolf, could you share your svg file(s) as well?
@pike_lake, we have fixed the issue related to your svg files. The fix is not available in easel yet, will let you know when we push these fixes.
That’s exciting news! Can’t wait!
@pike_lake, It is available now. Please check and let us know if you find any issues.
Thank you!
I’ve not even got mine delivered yet, so I’m in no way able to comment on improved or optimisation. I would however like to express my enthusiasm that any product purchased appears to have not only ongoing support from the company and a huge following of loyal users in the community, but also that every part of the software setup is continually evolving and supported too! Gives me great confidence in the product as a package!
Hi @Ruwan, do you have any idea when the optimization for interior features will be implemented?
Hi @SpencerShepard, Sorry, although that optimization in our TODO list, we do not know any specific dates for that yet. But we will definitely start that soon.
I think that I am having the same problem.
The SVG is created with Inkscape (Stroke path, create path from object).
Any advice?
@JohnSorensen, Did you find any issues in above project. I checked and looks okay to me (Except, the fact that those rapids could be optimized).