Detail Carving With V-Bit - Results Too Narrow

Hi, everyone! I could use a little help with some very small engraving.

A friend of a client has been using someone in another state to carve leather stamps from handwritten messages. They would like to switch to someone local and I’ve offered my services.

Here’s a sample of one they’ve had made previously:


The stamp is 3"x2". That’s a quarter on top. The depth of cut is about 1/16". I’m 95% sure it’s made from HDPE, which is what I’ve been running my tests on.

However, I’m having trouble duplicating the results on my X-Carve. I’m using Easel Pro and performing a two-stage carve, first with a 1/16" upcut fish tail spiral bit, then with a 30 deg. V-bit.

The rough pass comes out nice and clean. (The texture you see is exaggerated by the lighting and scale.)

Test, Rough Pass

On the detail pass, however, the V-bit appears to be cutting away too much material, leaving the letters way too narrow. I believe the surface is a little cleaner than the following images make them look (it’s very difficult to light this material for photos), but you can see that the plateaus are too skinny:

Test, Size

I’m using my Z-probe before each pass and both passes are cutting to the correct depth of .06". I have my V-bit settings entered as 30 degrees with a .125" width. Different feed rates appear to make no difference.

The preview in Easel Pro looks correct, so I don’t believe it’s a problem with the file:

Easel Preview

Are there any settings I should double check? Is there a better bit for this job? Should I continue to attempt this with Easel Pro or should I switch to something designed more specifically for V-carving?

Turning down this job is not an option, as it is a potentially budget-altering opportunity. So, I appreciate any and all help.