Detail pass and depth problem

My issue is the Delrin nut described here: Ghost carving
I keep losing tension on mine which inventables claims it due to repetitive up-and-down movement on the Z-Axis. It quite annoying but they don’t have any other suggestions other than taking it apart and applying more tension on it. I have to do this every dozen carves or so.

There is a set screw on the Delrin nut. I want to try tightening that set screw.

To do this you will need to disassemble portions of the Z-Aixs. First the NEMA motor will need to be removed from the top plate ( held on with 4 screws). Next, the top plate would need to be removed ( held on with 4 screws ). The third step would be to remove the front plate to gain access to the Delrin nut behind the front plate ( 16 screws hold the front plate onto the linear bearings ) I have attached images to this email of the screws that need to come out.

To add tension to the delrin nut it is necessary to first unfasten the nut from the set screw. Then by turning the set screw, we can adjust the angle of the lower portion of the delrin nut, which will add tension to the lead screw.