Hello! There are five piggy bank concepts here (to be used for Carvey). Please note they are labeled 1-5 so please use the number when referencing concept.
Which of these concepts would you be most likely to download and create? Why?
Would you make this for yourself or as a gift?
Do you see alternative uses for these concepts?
How would you suggest we make this concept better?
Thanks for your input!
I like the last three the best.
are the patterns on the faces just for concept picture or will they be carved/engraved in?
Also, what program do you use to illistrate them? it looks great.
I like the first one. It might be cool with acrylic fronts/backs.
I like #5 the puffer fish the best
I don’t understand the use of the gear on the puffer fish. It looks great but maybe if the rotating the gear exposed the money slot it would make more sense.
These are great! They remind me of one I had when I was a kid, it was a beaver (you know, Canada and all!).
I think the Puffer fish is the coolest one, I’m excited to see what one you make!
Wow, all of these look great! I have to say #2 is my favorite, I love the magnetic acorn. I also like #3, but I think the faces need be 3d milled to look good.
Loving the last 3 designs. Great idea to place the coins in the mouth as well as having nesting parts… especially the “geared” concept… I get that they don’t “crank” but the way gears nest is a nice way to nest other stuff.
We’d definitely like to carve the patterns in concept 3 if we decide to move forward with it. Hopefully it won’t be too difficult. These images were created in Photoshop using a Cintiq tablet.
Great feedback so far. We’d like to hear some more! We’re also open to suggestions on which cool materials from the Inventables store we could use to create these ideas.
I love the second concept - the analogy of a squirrel socking away nuts and saving money is brilliant!