Dog holes for dog hole clamps

I have a workbench that I want to carve dog holes so I can use dog hole clamps anywhere on my benchtop (a grid of holes - 20mm dia. maximum 20mm deep) and i want to have them 75mm apart along the x and y axis. so thats 20mm dia then 75mm then the next one 20mm and so on. 50mm from the either edge as a starting point. on a 1200mm(y axis) x 1200mm(x axis board). how to create a project to do this? whats the best bit i could use (buy) for speed?

In Easel…Set up your project like you normally would. 1200 X 1200mm and the thickness of your board. Make a 20mm circle and place it where it needs to be in the lower left. Keep the circle selected and click on the domino shape for apps on the side. Scroll down to Replicator and set how many Columns and Rows you want. Enter your 75mm in the spacing but make sure you have decided if the holes are 75mm apart from the side or the center. If they are 75mm apart from the center check the Use center distance and click Import. If you are not sure how many columns or rows it will be to fill your space, use a higher amount because you can select the overage in the drawing and delete them. If you don’t get enough holes, you have to delete the imported ones, except for your orginal, and start the replicator again.

Select all your holes and set Cut Path to Clear out a Pocket and set the cut depth to 20mm. I would use a 1/4" Flat Endmill. Your Pass Cut Depth and Feed Speeds are up to you and your machine!

Hope this makes sense for you!

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