Drag Chain

I’ve searched high and low with no luck - is there an easy way to purchase just the drag chain for the X-Carve? I have a SO2 converted to an X-Carve and I would really like better cable management. The X-Carve order site won’t let me purchase just the drag chain; I don’t know what all the part numbers are, and the store does not have a “one click” option for the drag chain.

Seems like a 1 minute add to the store - can you help a brother out?


Have you looked here?

Check out the X-Carve assembly instructions for the correct part numbers.

Yep. Part numbers for X-Carve don’t match those on the website.


Try here. http://www.ebay.com/itm/321904253388?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT

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The drag chain supplied with the X-Care is 15mmx20mm, 1000mm in length which is part number 30331-05.
You also need the end links/chain ends which is part number 30331-06. Same stuff for X and Y chains.

The chain supplied with the X carve is made by a company called IGUS. I believe they have a webshop. I work for a competitor called Tsubaki Kabelschlepp however i don’t think our US sister company has a online store.